This enchanting Wizard of OZ silver charm bracelet, "Over the Rainbow" is created with images of Dorothy, Glinda, Wicked Witch, Munchkins, and the Ruby Red Slippers with beautiful ruby and light sapphire swarovski crystals, hand stamped charms with "Glinda", "Dorothy", "Somewhere over the Rainbow", and 16 silver charms.
Wizard of Oz handmade charm bracelet.
Blackberry Designs Jewelry©
Fine Jewelry Treasured for a Lifetime™
*Created with: *316L Stainless Steel, *Sterling Silver, *USA Cast Pewter, *Swarovski Crystals *No plated materials, *No Tibetan charms or materials *Will never turn color
Fine Jewelry Treasured for a Lifetime™
*Created with: *316L Stainless Steel, *Sterling Silver, *USA Cast Pewter, *Swarovski Crystals *No plated materials, *No Tibetan charms or materials *Will never turn color